Quantum Mirror t-shirts, polo shirts and sweatshirts
An almost invisible participant of downloading or upgrading your software is the mirror server, from where your device gets the code people made for you as a free and open source software. But somebody is constantly working on it to keep it available for you.
The owner of Quantum Mirror asked us to make some t-shirts, polo shirts, and sweatshirts for making donations possible. We are glad to help.
Piqué polo shirts
Quantum Mirror Polo Shirt (black) 39 USD |
Quantum Mirror Polo Shirt (white) 39 USD |
Quantum Mirror Polo Shirt (dark blue) 39 USD |
Quantum Mirror T-Shirt (white) 33 USD |
Quantum Mirror T-Shirt (black) 33 USD |
Quantum Mirror T-Shirt (dark blue) 33 USD |
Last pieces
Last pieces Quantum Mirror Polo Shirt (white) old type 28 USD |
Last pieces Quantum Mirror T-Shirt (ash grey) 33 USD |
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